Horse Animal

Do you want to know how to correctly bridle your horse?
Bridling a horse is not as easy as it may seem. If you do it incorrectly, it may be become traumatic for the horse. The rider may be affected or injured as well.
Before bridling a horse, you must be aware that there is an area in a horse's mouth called the "interdental space". It is an area with no teeth found on the lower and upper jaws. The area is between the back teeth, which are the "molars" and the front teeth, called "incisors". The bit rests on the interdental space when the animal is bridled correctly. Horse aficionados also call this area of bare gums particularly on the bottom jaw, bars.
The interdental space is also a spot where the horse owner or trainer can insert their thumb in times where you want to ask the animal to open its mouth. An example of this is to ask the horse to accept the bit during the process of bridling.
Horse Bridling Tips
1. Tie your horse in a comfortable place with a halter on. Do not have the animal tied solidly in case your horse has a habit of pulling back when scared. Though the horse can be bridled without the halter on, it is still best to bridle the horse while his halter is in place until you understand the animal and his needs.
2. Stand on the near side of the horse, which is normally the left side, when putting on the bridle.
3. You may utilize schooling aids to make bridling easier for you. A running martingale may be used to keep the horse from throwing his head upwards. Drop nosebands can also help keep the horse's mouth closed. Ideally you wont need this type of equipment as the horse will trust you.
4. Allow the horse to lower his head and make sure the bridle is untangled and ready to put on. Put your arm over the animal's neck and hold the bridle loosely on the opposite side of the horse. Put the bridle on the lowest setting possible to make sure it can fit on any animals head comfortably, you can adjust it once it's on the animal.
5. Now, remove the halter from his face. Then replace it around the neck so the horse is prevented from wandering off.
6. Make sure that you can reach the top of the horse's head. If not, you can use a mounting block for that sole purpose.
7. With your right hand, take the top of the head stall. It is the piece fitting over the animal's head. Then hold the bit with your finger and thumb so that it is stable. Introduce it to the horse's mouth gently, placing a finger in the crack of his mouth to ask him to open it. A well trained horse should unthinkingly open his mouth. If you have a cue or command to get the horse to open his mouth, use it.
8. Gently slip the bit into the mouth. Never force it. When the bit is in place, slip the top part of the headstall over the horse's ears.
9. The length of the face strap should be adjusted. Ideally, there should be one small wrinkle at the corner of your horse's mouth. Make sure his forelock is pulled out of the straps and none of the straps are tangled or broken.
10. Next would be the adjustment of the chin strap if your headstall has one. Keep this loose as it is a tool for pressure.
11. Your left hand should hold both reins while undoing the halter with your other hand. When walking with the horse, make the animal respect your space. Never tie an animal with the leather headstall reins.
There are many things that a horse owner or trainer would need to use in order to care for the equine animal. Horse rugs or horse blankets for instance, which is used in a number of ways for the animal's protection. Horse rugs are of various types and each of these types has its particular use and application.
The anti-sweat rugs are made of cotton meshes that prevent the sweating horses from feeling chilled after an exercise. There are also anti-sweat rugs with exceptionally fine meshes that are used to put off flies. These rugs are secured at the front or be positioned in place using a surcingle.
The cooler rugs are rugs made of breathable materials used like an anti-sweat rug. These rugs are designed to draw up sweat and moisture away from the animal's coat and allow the moisture to evaporate. On a cold day after an outdoor exercise, these blankets may be placed underneath a stable or turnout rug to allow the animal to dry off. They may also be used to add extra warmth for the equine during winter.
The exercise rugs stretch from the saddle front up to the horse's rump. They are used to make the animal dry/warm while it is ridden. Some are placed under the saddle while there are also those with Velcro fasteners that are placed atop the saddle.
The fleece rugs are also made of breathable materials that can be used as substitute for cooler rug, travel rug, stable rug or under rug.
The fly rugs or fly sheets are made of fine meshes that serve as protection against insect and fly bites. These sheets have belly flaps to be secured at both sides so even the belly area is protected from biting insects. Some also have bonnets or masks to protect the head of the equine. The fly sheets also help prevent sunburn and keep the coat from dirt.
Stable rugs, available in many colors, are designed for indoor use to keep the horse warm. Most of these blankets are padded and are available in different thickness. There are lightweight, medium weight and heavy weight rugs. These are made of breathable materials so that the horse's sweat will evaporate. There are stable rugs with shoulder pleats so the animal is freer to move. Others have neck cover to provide protection for the neck. Horses which stay inside the stable both night and day need stable rugs. In the morning, a day rug which is lighter must be used. At night when the temperature is colder, the more that the animals would need heavier stable blankets. For an alternative, an under blanket may be placed under the light stable rug instead of using a heavier blanket. In the morning the under blanket should be removed. These rugs should not be secured very tightly around the chest or neck area.
The summer sheets are blankets made of cotton that are used by horses during the summer season to protect the animal from flies and dust. They may also be used as travel rug or stable rug. The travel rugs protect the horse while travelling. The turnout rugs keep the equine dry and clean when staying outdoors. These waterproof mats are made of synthetic materials and may keep the horse warm during winter season.

Exotic Animals

Are you in search of really cool pets that you can take care of at home? Perhaps cute animals that will truly cause a lot of envy from your friends? Then, kinkajous will be a good choice for you to pick. Kinkajous are among the most popular types of exotic pets for sale today. A kinkajou is also referred to as the honey bear or night walker. This type of animal belongs to the rainforest mammal family Procyonidea, which is related to coatis, cacomistle, olingos, ringtails, and raccoons. Kinkajous are native to South America and Central America. These mammals are arboreal are not endangered, so you won't feel any guilt at the thought of taking one home as a pet.
Kinkajous make a great pet since they are not big, which means that you are not going to require a huge amount of space for these animals if you opt to choose them as pets. Kinkajous are often called night walkers especially in Belize Central America because of their nocturnal habits. These types of exotic pets are really cute and are furry as well. Kinkajous commonly have brownish golden furs. In terms of weight, these animals typically average from 4 lbs to 7 lbs when full grown. These nocturnal mammals have very sharp claws and a tail that usually ranges from 12 inches to 15 inches in length. At times, the tails of kinkajous may even grow longer than their bodies. The long tails of kinkajous are not just for show as to the reason that these actually help them in stretching or climbing from one tree to another with ease.
Kinkajous love eating fruits. Their diets are actually is made up of two thirds of fruit. Figs are perhaps the favorite fruit of kinkajous. Despite the fact that these exotic animals are totally gaga about fruits, they are still categorized as carnivores. Aside from fruit, kinkajous also love eating flower nectars. They can easily do so with the help of their long tongue that normally measures five inches in length. On the other hand, some kinkajous prefer eating the entire flower rather than just licking its nectar, which may be at times tiring. Kinkajous are often active an hour after sunset until an hour before sunrise however; this may vary depending on the time of the year.
Taking care of kinkajous will require some efforts especially when keeping them preventing them from being disturbed while they are asleep. Since kinkajous are nocturnal animals, keeping them awake during the day may possibly cause them to be aggressive. With this given fact, it is of prime importance that their sleeping cycles are not disturbed or altered. Now, you do not to get all worried are about kinkajous being violent just because of this statement. Kinkajous are very calm animals. Moreover, they are also very playful when their sleeping times are properly observed. Kinkajous will be great pets to have at home.
Pets are normal parts of people's lives; it isn't at all unusual for a person to have a dog, a cat, a bird, a fish, or even a frog at home. However, some people aren't content with just having these common domesticated animals as pets.
Some want to have more exciting companions at home, and thus, there are people who choose to have an exotic pet instead. While having an exotic pet can be quite rewarding, choosing the best exotic pet for you can be very confusing.
Exotic pet is an animal kept as a pet which is not commonly thought of as a pet. Another definition of exotic pet is a rare or unusual animal kept as a pet.
The definition includes some rodents, reptile ( such as snakes ), amphibians. Sometimes any unique and wild-looking pet (including common domestic animals such as the ferret) is called as an exotic pet. Many major pet stores, veterinary insurance carriers or online retailers, classify any animal besides cats, dogs or fish as exotic pets. Exotic pets may also be used for a species which is non-indigenous to the owner's locale.
The trade of some exotic pets around the world is moderate by CITES, The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, to prevent any threats to their survival and ecological damage. Certain animals are strictly regulated or restricted outright due to their conservation status and the possibility of the animal becomes an invasive species.
Things to consider before deciding to be an exotic pet owner:
- When choosing an exotic pet, it is important to know the reasons for owning one and the responsibilities needed for keeping one.
- Find Out The Laws:
It is illegal to own certain types of pets in some states. You need to do your homework so that you will be completely informed. There's nothing worse than falling in love with an animal and then finding out that it's illegal for you to keep it. You should be able to research the state exotic pet adoption laws online.
- Health Care for your Exotic Pets
Veterinary costs for treatment of exotic animals may be significantly higher than for a more conventional pet due to the increased specialization. Having your exotic pet on a regular check up with a veterinarian is an important part on your exotic pet's health as well as your family health some animals are known to carry diseases that can affect humans, such as salmonellosis and rabies. Similarly, some human diseases can be dangerous for certain animals (like strep throat).
- Appropriate environmental conditions, housing and diets for exotic pets
Providing appropriate environmental conditions, housing and diet for an exotic pet may be difficult for several reasons:
o insufficient information may be available on caring for exotic pet
o adequate housing may be difficult and/or expensive to procure or build
o it may be difficult to provide the correct environment for the exotic pets (such as temperature or amount of sunlight)
o feeding the correct diet for exotic pets
o providing the right social environment for highly social species
However, exotic pets care and husbandry information for many commonly kept amphibians, reptiles, birds, and small exotic mammals are widely available through literature, animal enthusiast groups, and Internet websites and discussion forms.
So, you're ready to become an exotic pet owner. Choose the best exotic pets for you. Common exotic pets include turtles, rabbit, skunks, degus, fox or event an alligator.

The Lion

All cats have certain characteristics that make them cats. In this article we will discuss - "Domestic house cats vocalization - or lack of a roar and cats purring". To do this we have to look at the entire cat family. Zoologist have developed an identification system of names where all plants and animals can be placed. The technical name of domestic cats belongs to the class Mammalia (mammals), the order Carnivora (meat-eaters), the family Felidae (cats), the genus Felis (lesser cats), and the species cattus (domestic cats): that's your cat, Felis cattus.
The lion and tiger are of the family:genus Felidae (cat): Panthera, (large or greater cats) and just to be complete, there are two other genus for cats, which are Acinonyx, the cheetahs and the Smilodon, the saber-toothed tigers, who we missed by only 12,000 years.
We will only be discussing the greater and lesser cats. The most obvious difference between the two genera is that greater cats can roar and the lesser cats cannot. The throat structure is what determines the ability to roar or not. The most significant factor is the hyoid bones (the small bones) that support the larynx. In the greater cats, these bones have been partially replaced by cartilage, allowing extraordinary flexibility of the throat and enabling the greater cat, lions and tigers, to roar. In the lesser cats, these bones are rigid eliminating the flexibility necessary to make the roaring sound; therefore the lesser cat, domestic cat, cannot roar. Contrast the deep-throated, deafening roar of a lion to the meow of the domestic cat, the meow even though much quieter, can relay the message the cat wants to get across. They are very persistent when hey want something.
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Lion stuffed animals are for that child (or adult) who is fond of large, wild cats. That is not to say, however, that lion stuffed animals are not just as loved by those that enjoy all types of soft toys which represent many of the wild animals roaming the planet today.
For owners of livestock living around the Waza National Park in Cameroon, having to live with the threat of lions is a part of their daily reality. While the loss of human life is not something that is often reported in the region, the loss of livestock is all too real, costing herders up to $1000 US per family every year. These losses were investigated in 2007, along with why the herders continued to have their animals graze so close to lion hunting grounds, by scientists from the Resource Ecology Group, Wageningen University and the Institute of Environmental Sciences.
The team of scientists found that for those people who lived closest to the Waza National Park, they had much better access to both pastures and water. At the same time, however, these were the herders who sustained the greatest losses in livestock. For the herdsmen, they felt as though the benefits of better grazing and water for their animals, far outweighed what it cost them because of lion kills.
The researchers also found that for those that had cattle, the increase to the loss of both goat and sheep to lions was far greater likely because goat and sheep grazed alongside the cows much further away from the villages. In addition, with more numbers of goat and sheep mixed in amongst the cows, lions were able to approach the livestock without being noticed. According to herdsmen, some lions would even follow nomadic herds outside the park during the wet season while still others were bold enough to also raid livestock that remained in villages they passed by. For herdsmen that tried to chase away lions, they ended up with greater losses to their herds likely because with all the confusion of the scattering animals, lions were able to take advantage of the situation.
In one case, while some villagers were being interviewed by the researchers, about.62 miles from where they were, three sheep and a calf were found to have lion bite marks on their necks - killed while the interviews were taking place. The herdsmen indicated that while the lions took one sheep with them, they left the other animals behind - something that they found was all too familiar when it came to lions attacking their herds. Since the herdsmen are Muslim, they can't eat the leftover meat as it must be killed by a Muslim in order to consume it.
In Cameroon where lion attacks on domestic herds were taking place, because it was in an Islamic part of the country, dogs for guarding livestock was not an option (dogs are considered dirty and unclean in the Muslim faith), however, the research team did recommend putting in thorn enclosures (called bomas), or, increasing the number of herdsmen so as to change overall herding methods.
Lion stuffed animals have no interest whatsoever in killing [plush] sheep, goats, or cows. In fact, all of them will live in relative harmony in the same home if you so choose. So as to ensure your lion stuffed animals don't ever get out of hand, you must agree to form close and passionate attachments to these particular soft toys, which means they will expect for you to curl up in bed with them and take them with you wherever you go. Just remember to ensure your plush lion is treated like a member of the family and shower it with lots of love and attention as much as possible.

Rabbits As Pets

After dogs and cats; most animal lovers especially children yearn for rabbits as pets. The reason is pretty obvious -- their incredibly lovable and soft appearance! However, is this enough a reason to opt for bringing this animal home? Let us analyze the positives and negatives of keeping rabbits as pets. The pros are plenty in number and also quite well known to most people.
Rabbits are known for their docile temperament. They are least prone to cause any damage in the household and can be domesticated with ease. With little effort, rabbits can be toilet trained so that they do not litter the house. Children are safe in their company and enjoy to the fullest with this extremely playful pet. Since they have a longer life in comparison to many other pet animals and require minimal care and supervision in their lifetime; therefore they form ideal pets.
When it comes to the cons, financial implication may come on top of the list. Although rabbits love being kept in the open which is their natural habitat but this involves the risk of losing out on your kitchen garden. To keep your vegetables safe, you may want to procure a cage that may cost quite a handsome amount depending upon its size. Gnawing, the characteristic feature of rabbits can become a nuisance in the house. In order to keep their teeth in proper size, rabbits are in constant need of chewing and biting things; be it electrical wires or other personal goods. Their nails also require regular trimming, else your furniture may be damaged considerably. Lastly, remember to get your pet rabbit spayed or neutered to avoid the continuous hassle of their high rate of proliferation.
Having known the pros and cons of choosing rabbits as pets; it is for each one to make their own decision.

Tiger Or Dog

The tiger barb has long been one of the most popular and most kept aquarium fish species and there are today a wide variety of different color morphs available in the aquarium trade besides the common tiger barb. Such morphs include albino tiger barbs, green tiger barbs and golden tiger barbs.
The tiger barb originates in South-East Asia and are native to Indonesia and Malaysia. They live on the Malay Peninsula, on the island of Sumatra and on the island of Borneo. The tiger barb can however today be found in many waters around the world where it voluntarily or involuntarily have been introduced by man. Countries where it has been introduced includes Australia, Singapore, Suriname and Colombia.
Tiger barbs are suitable for beginner aquariums where they are best kept in large schools. Tiger barbs can often resort to fin nipping if they are kept in too small schools but this is seldom a problem if they are kept in large schools. It is however still recommended to avoid keeping tiger barbs with slow moving, long finned fish species. The average life span in a well kept aquarium is 6 years. Tiger barbs should preferably be kept in aquariums no smaller than 60 centimetres (24 inches) long. The aquarium should be decorated with hiding places among plants and plenty of room for swimming. Rocks and driftwood will also be appreciated.
Tiger barbs are very easy to care for as long as you keep the water parameters within the ranges given in the beginning of this article. Try to keep the water temperature in the upper part of the recommended range, ideally 23 - 26° C (74-79° F). They are omnivorous and will accept almost all food that is presented to them and they willingly accepts flake food. Try to vary the diet of your tiger barbs as much as possible even if it possible to keep and breed tiger barbs on nothing but flake food.
Tiger barbs are easy to breed and the largest problem is usually to prevent the parents from eating the eggs and fry. They often spawn in regular community aquariums but it is rare for any fry to survive in a community aquarium. Most often the eggs get eaten well before hatching. They are easy to sex as the female tiger barb is larger and have a much rounder belly. Males have distinctive red noses, and above the black part of their dorsal fins you can see a characteristic red line. The dorsal fin of the female is mainly black.
If you want to breed your tiger barbs it recommendable to setup a breeding aquarium with some kind of egg protection device in it that prevents the parents from eating the eggs. A layer of common glass marbles on the bottom of the tank will do well for this task. Fill the breeding aquarium with water from the main tank. Move a round female to the tank and a male to the breeding tank. They will likely spawn the next morning or at the very least the morning after if they are in spawning condition. If you fish hasn't spawned in tree days a recommend trying another pair instead. The eggs are sticky, do not float in freshwater and are usually slightly above 1 millimetre (0.04 inches) in length. The number of eggs usually ranges from 300 to 500. The fry becomes free swimming after about 5 days and can be fed newly hatched brine shrimp. The fry grows relatively fast and usually reaches sexual maturity in about seven weeks at what point they are 2-3 centimetres (0.8-1.2 inches).

Unusual Fish Tank Pets.

If you have an aquarium, besides fish, you can have many other creatures in it. One of the animals that make superb aquarium pets is the aquarium snail. Not only does the snail add a little variety to your aquarium, it will also help to keep your tank clean.
There are many species of snails that you can purchase from your local pet store. Some people purchase snails to add some variety to their tanks, while others specifically ask for the snails as they want them as pets. Sometimes, you can also get snails in your aquarium without purchasing one. This happens usually when you buy plants for your aquarium. These snails are already on the plants and when you introduce them into your aquarium. So, they manage to find their way into your tank. However, these snails can be pets. But do not worry as there are many other species of snails that can be kept as pets.
As the name suggests, the Ramshorn snail has a shell shaped like that of a ram's horn. These snails are very interesting to look at. Their shells can be red or black in color. Sometimes, they can also have a checkered pattern to their shell. However, these snails are prolific breeders and can eat plants in no time. So, if you want to keep the plants in the aquarium alive, the Ramshorn snail may not be the ideal aquarium pet for you.
The Trumpet snail is perfect for those who want to keep their plants alive. The snail feeds on the debris that is present in the substrate and helps to keep the bottom of the tank clean. However, this snail tends to come out in the night to eat and you will see it hanging to the wall of the aquarium during the day time.
Another interesting and popular snail for aquariums is the Apple snail. There are four species of this snail and some of them eat plants, while others are carnivores. One of the species of Apple snail can grow up to six inches. You can get Apple snails in many different colors, like yellow, blue and brown.
If you have fish like White Cloud Minnows, Guppies or Neon Tetras, you can easily keep snails in your aquarium without any worries. Not only will you have some unique pets in your fish tank, the snails will also help to keep your tank clean. If the snails are pests that have hitched a ride on your aquarium plants, then you can introduce Clown Loach into your aquarium. This fish will be more than happy to feed on the snails.

Cat One Of The Most Wanted Pets

When it comes to pets, aside from dog being a "man's best friend", one of the most wanted pets in history are cats. These are really nice pet to have especially if they belong to a pure breed family. There are actually different breeds similar with dogs. So, if you are planning to buy your own personal cat to be your pet, you better choose the breed that you want. You could visit any pet stores near you place and check what they have for you. Or, if you want, you could check in the internet for online pet stores or other private breeders. For sure, you will be able to find the cat that you are looking for. But before you take home any cat at home, you better prepare the cat supplies that they need. Below are some of the examples of cat supplies.
Cat Food: This is the number one and most basic needs of any pet food supply. You need to have as much cat food supply in your home before you adopt one to be your pet. These animals should also be treated as part of the family. They also need love, care, and affection from their owners. These animals would be very thankful if you provide them with the best care and love that they need from an owner. One of those is by giving them sufficient food everyday.
Cat Bath Supplies: Aside from food, you also need to make sure that your pet cat smells good and neat as well. You also need to have bath supplies for your pet since these animals also need to wash so they won't smell. You could bathe your cat at least twice a week. You could buy these bath supplies for cats at any pet stores. Do not buy dog supplies for your cat; this could affect your cat's health.
Cat Treatment Supplies: if you are concerned with your pet's health, you don't need to forget to buy treatment supplies. For example if your pet cat is suffering from fleas, then you could buy a treatment for fleas. Fleas could also affect your cat's health that's why it's really important that you also have cat treatment supplies available.
Aside from those three mentioned above, there are also other necessary cats supplies that you need to prepare before you bring home your new pet cat. You could also provide cat bedding for your cat.

Teaching Older Animals And Pets New Stuff

The Older Animal Are able to Recognize Commands Without hassle:
Numerous people have faith in that old adage "You won't be able to train an old animal with brand new tricks" but usually it is quite the opposite. Bigger pets are simply as competent to studying tricks and instructions as puppy dogs.
The secret to obedience animal education is constancy as well as tenaciousness. If you should attempt for barely a day to train your animal to sit and afterward did not try anymore, not surprisingly he'll almost certainly never learn how to sit down!
Regardless of whether your senior dog has a great number of lousy habits, you can actually break him or her of such habits inside a short time frame. All you need is constancy, endurance, and in some cases a bit perseverance. With bigger dogs it is recommended to develop a pecking order before anything else. Your own canine should figure out and get the point that he is not the chief you are. Once the roles of the pack is recognized, you will see training sessions appears effectively.
Regularity and Tenacity:
It is necessary that you ought to keep on being unswerving in ones own training. Train precisely the same commands when it comes to tricks. Just don't scream at the doggy for biting on your individual latest footwear when you've offered your dog a well used one as a toy recently. Pets can get rapidly confused. Consequently, within your education, it is advisable to be aware that consistency is the key to becoming successful.
An additional useful rule will be to stay unrelenting. Working out for 1-2 instances occasionally will likely not produce a fantastic obedience puppy instruction regimen. Animals have brief recognition spans and it is advisable to make guidance routines just several minutes. That is why, it really is crucial for you to go on to discipline your individual doggy each day