Horse Animal

Do you want to know how to correctly bridle your horse?
Bridling a horse is not as easy as it may seem. If you do it incorrectly, it may be become traumatic for the horse. The rider may be affected or injured as well.
Before bridling a horse, you must be aware that there is an area in a horse's mouth called the "interdental space". It is an area with no teeth found on the lower and upper jaws. The area is between the back teeth, which are the "molars" and the front teeth, called "incisors". The bit rests on the interdental space when the animal is bridled correctly. Horse aficionados also call this area of bare gums particularly on the bottom jaw, bars.
The interdental space is also a spot where the horse owner or trainer can insert their thumb in times where you want to ask the animal to open its mouth. An example of this is to ask the horse to accept the bit during the process of bridling.
Horse Bridling Tips
1. Tie your horse in a comfortable place with a halter on. Do not have the animal tied solidly in case your horse has a habit of pulling back when scared. Though the horse can be bridled without the halter on, it is still best to bridle the horse while his halter is in place until you understand the animal and his needs.
2. Stand on the near side of the horse, which is normally the left side, when putting on the bridle.
3. You may utilize schooling aids to make bridling easier for you. A running martingale may be used to keep the horse from throwing his head upwards. Drop nosebands can also help keep the horse's mouth closed. Ideally you wont need this type of equipment as the horse will trust you.
4. Allow the horse to lower his head and make sure the bridle is untangled and ready to put on. Put your arm over the animal's neck and hold the bridle loosely on the opposite side of the horse. Put the bridle on the lowest setting possible to make sure it can fit on any animals head comfortably, you can adjust it once it's on the animal.
5. Now, remove the halter from his face. Then replace it around the neck so the horse is prevented from wandering off.
6. Make sure that you can reach the top of the horse's head. If not, you can use a mounting block for that sole purpose.
7. With your right hand, take the top of the head stall. It is the piece fitting over the animal's head. Then hold the bit with your finger and thumb so that it is stable. Introduce it to the horse's mouth gently, placing a finger in the crack of his mouth to ask him to open it. A well trained horse should unthinkingly open his mouth. If you have a cue or command to get the horse to open his mouth, use it.
8. Gently slip the bit into the mouth. Never force it. When the bit is in place, slip the top part of the headstall over the horse's ears.
9. The length of the face strap should be adjusted. Ideally, there should be one small wrinkle at the corner of your horse's mouth. Make sure his forelock is pulled out of the straps and none of the straps are tangled or broken.
10. Next would be the adjustment of the chin strap if your headstall has one. Keep this loose as it is a tool for pressure.
11. Your left hand should hold both reins while undoing the halter with your other hand. When walking with the horse, make the animal respect your space. Never tie an animal with the leather headstall reins.
There are many things that a horse owner or trainer would need to use in order to care for the equine animal. Horse rugs or horse blankets for instance, which is used in a number of ways for the animal's protection. Horse rugs are of various types and each of these types has its particular use and application.
The anti-sweat rugs are made of cotton meshes that prevent the sweating horses from feeling chilled after an exercise. There are also anti-sweat rugs with exceptionally fine meshes that are used to put off flies. These rugs are secured at the front or be positioned in place using a surcingle.
The cooler rugs are rugs made of breathable materials used like an anti-sweat rug. These rugs are designed to draw up sweat and moisture away from the animal's coat and allow the moisture to evaporate. On a cold day after an outdoor exercise, these blankets may be placed underneath a stable or turnout rug to allow the animal to dry off. They may also be used to add extra warmth for the equine during winter.
The exercise rugs stretch from the saddle front up to the horse's rump. They are used to make the animal dry/warm while it is ridden. Some are placed under the saddle while there are also those with Velcro fasteners that are placed atop the saddle.
The fleece rugs are also made of breathable materials that can be used as substitute for cooler rug, travel rug, stable rug or under rug.
The fly rugs or fly sheets are made of fine meshes that serve as protection against insect and fly bites. These sheets have belly flaps to be secured at both sides so even the belly area is protected from biting insects. Some also have bonnets or masks to protect the head of the equine. The fly sheets also help prevent sunburn and keep the coat from dirt.
Stable rugs, available in many colors, are designed for indoor use to keep the horse warm. Most of these blankets are padded and are available in different thickness. There are lightweight, medium weight and heavy weight rugs. These are made of breathable materials so that the horse's sweat will evaporate. There are stable rugs with shoulder pleats so the animal is freer to move. Others have neck cover to provide protection for the neck. Horses which stay inside the stable both night and day need stable rugs. In the morning, a day rug which is lighter must be used. At night when the temperature is colder, the more that the animals would need heavier stable blankets. For an alternative, an under blanket may be placed under the light stable rug instead of using a heavier blanket. In the morning the under blanket should be removed. These rugs should not be secured very tightly around the chest or neck area.
The summer sheets are blankets made of cotton that are used by horses during the summer season to protect the animal from flies and dust. They may also be used as travel rug or stable rug. The travel rugs protect the horse while travelling. The turnout rugs keep the equine dry and clean when staying outdoors. These waterproof mats are made of synthetic materials and may keep the horse warm during winter season.

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