Exotic Animals

Are you in search of really cool pets that you can take care of at home? Perhaps cute animals that will truly cause a lot of envy from your friends? Then, kinkajous will be a good choice for you to pick. Kinkajous are among the most popular types of exotic pets for sale today. A kinkajou is also referred to as the honey bear or night walker. This type of animal belongs to the rainforest mammal family Procyonidea, which is related to coatis, cacomistle, olingos, ringtails, and raccoons. Kinkajous are native to South America and Central America. These mammals are arboreal are not endangered, so you won't feel any guilt at the thought of taking one home as a pet.
Kinkajous make a great pet since they are not big, which means that you are not going to require a huge amount of space for these animals if you opt to choose them as pets. Kinkajous are often called night walkers especially in Belize Central America because of their nocturnal habits. These types of exotic pets are really cute and are furry as well. Kinkajous commonly have brownish golden furs. In terms of weight, these animals typically average from 4 lbs to 7 lbs when full grown. These nocturnal mammals have very sharp claws and a tail that usually ranges from 12 inches to 15 inches in length. At times, the tails of kinkajous may even grow longer than their bodies. The long tails of kinkajous are not just for show as to the reason that these actually help them in stretching or climbing from one tree to another with ease.
Kinkajous love eating fruits. Their diets are actually is made up of two thirds of fruit. Figs are perhaps the favorite fruit of kinkajous. Despite the fact that these exotic animals are totally gaga about fruits, they are still categorized as carnivores. Aside from fruit, kinkajous also love eating flower nectars. They can easily do so with the help of their long tongue that normally measures five inches in length. On the other hand, some kinkajous prefer eating the entire flower rather than just licking its nectar, which may be at times tiring. Kinkajous are often active an hour after sunset until an hour before sunrise however; this may vary depending on the time of the year.
Taking care of kinkajous will require some efforts especially when keeping them preventing them from being disturbed while they are asleep. Since kinkajous are nocturnal animals, keeping them awake during the day may possibly cause them to be aggressive. With this given fact, it is of prime importance that their sleeping cycles are not disturbed or altered. Now, you do not to get all worried are about kinkajous being violent just because of this statement. Kinkajous are very calm animals. Moreover, they are also very playful when their sleeping times are properly observed. Kinkajous will be great pets to have at home.







Pets are normal parts of people's lives; it isn't at all unusual for a person to have a dog, a cat, a bird, a fish, or even a frog at home. However, some people aren't content with just having these common domesticated animals as pets.
Some want to have more exciting companions at home, and thus, there are people who choose to have an exotic pet instead. While having an exotic pet can be quite rewarding, choosing the best exotic pet for you can be very confusing.
Exotic pet is an animal kept as a pet which is not commonly thought of as a pet. Another definition of exotic pet is a rare or unusual animal kept as a pet.
The definition includes some rodents, reptile ( such as snakes ), amphibians. Sometimes any unique and wild-looking pet (including common domestic animals such as the ferret) is called as an exotic pet. Many major pet stores, veterinary insurance carriers or online retailers, classify any animal besides cats, dogs or fish as exotic pets. Exotic pets may also be used for a species which is non-indigenous to the owner's locale.
The trade of some exotic pets around the world is moderate by CITES, The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, to prevent any threats to their survival and ecological damage. Certain animals are strictly regulated or restricted outright due to their conservation status and the possibility of the animal becomes an invasive species.
Things to consider before deciding to be an exotic pet owner:
- When choosing an exotic pet, it is important to know the reasons for owning one and the responsibilities needed for keeping one.
- Find Out The Laws:
It is illegal to own certain types of pets in some states. You need to do your homework so that you will be completely informed. There's nothing worse than falling in love with an animal and then finding out that it's illegal for you to keep it. You should be able to research the state exotic pet adoption laws online.
- Health Care for your Exotic Pets
Veterinary costs for treatment of exotic animals may be significantly higher than for a more conventional pet due to the increased specialization. Having your exotic pet on a regular check up with a veterinarian is an important part on your exotic pet's health as well as your family health some animals are known to carry diseases that can affect humans, such as salmonellosis and rabies. Similarly, some human diseases can be dangerous for certain animals (like strep throat).
- Appropriate environmental conditions, housing and diets for exotic pets
Providing appropriate environmental conditions, housing and diet for an exotic pet may be difficult for several reasons:
o insufficient information may be available on caring for exotic pet
o adequate housing may be difficult and/or expensive to procure or build
o it may be difficult to provide the correct environment for the exotic pets (such as temperature or amount of sunlight)
o feeding the correct diet for exotic pets
o providing the right social environment for highly social species
However, exotic pets care and husbandry information for many commonly kept amphibians, reptiles, birds, and small exotic mammals are widely available through literature, animal enthusiast groups, and Internet websites and discussion forms.
So, you're ready to become an exotic pet owner. Choose the best exotic pets for you. Common exotic pets include turtles, rabbit, skunks, degus, fox or event an alligator.

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